B.R.A.V.E. - 5 Steps How to Even Dream Workshop / Tuesday, Nov. 7th, 2023 at 12 (noon)
Join myself and the other courageous women for an intimate 90 minute Virtual Workshop "B.R.A.V.E. - 5 Steps How to Even Dream" on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 at 12 (noon)
This is a 90 minute Virtual workshop, where like-minded women join together in a sacred, safe, transformative container to :
- Connect Within
- Dive deeply into a proven 5 Step Process (B.R.A.V.E.) on how to even dream
- So you can acknowledge, honor, listen to and actively act on your dreams, ultimately creating the foundation for them to be a reality.
We begin with a centering and guided meditation and briefly introduce ourselves to the other sisters involved. Then, with an accompanied personalized soundtrack and workbook, we move through learning about this very FIVE step process AND practicing them in real time, together. These dreams and their building blocks, then get shared within this safe space, creating the opportunity for you to shine a light on yourself and your journey while the other women present do the same.
You'll leave with a deepened understanding of how to even dream, the confidence to put these very steps into action and foundation for that very dream that has been placed on your heart to become a reality.
To register, book your ticket here and then you'll receive an email on next steps!
See you on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 at 12 (noon)