Cape Town, South Africa 2013: You stole my heart. Okay, a man there did. Oh yea, and went on an EPIC road trip up the coast. 2014: I learned to live, breathe, be a part of, coexist, stare out into the mountain as the sun would rise and the rainbows would set, appreciate the little moments of always standing right next to my best friend and come to love this place, that is now my second home. 2015: I feel in love even more so with the incredible man that I am blessed to have stand by my side, explored parts of Cape Town I truly didn’t know existed, went on a mini road trip, chilled and relished in so much happiness in-between. This time around, in March of 2015 after six months living, working, managing an intern and research camp in Mafia Island, Tanzania, we returned back to South Africa together. Only thing on our minds…. Dan’s visa to the United States. For a month and a half we explored, lounged around, explored a bit more, filed paperwork, filed some more paperwork enjoyed more sacred moments, loved, laughed and smiled a whole lot! Sadly, it was time that I started making arrangements to head back to the States as the funds we had worked so hard to make and save from Mafia Island were dwindling and dwindling quickly. So, I did what I had to do, not what I wanted to do. Booked my plane ticket. And headed back to where my roots grew in Southern California in mid April. I left, positivity heightened, inspiration in my heart and overwhelming sense of calmness, of wholeness, of togetherness. All in knowing, I truly have a best friend, a soul partner, my companion, a warrior an explorer of life by my side for life. Fast forwarding to the moment of sitting here, in the United States. My handsome, sadly, still half way across the world in South Africa. My spirits, our spirits. Well, they hang heavy. We’ve been in the application process for his visa for a year now. And unfortunately, he is still there and I am here. Despite, our countries keep us apart. Each day that passes, our love, our communication, our connection, our support, our determination only strengthens. Below, you can share some moments, moments that I hold dear to my heart and those stories wrapped within those moments that occurred during my “Autumn in Cape Town.” And, within all this, keep positive thoughts, endless support in knowing that these moments of being apart, become part of the past. As always, many blessings! And enjoy. Usually, when moments such as these, expressing themselves as time capsules for all to see, would have been captured through a series of hiking to some remote location, while possibly camping for the weekend, trekking around fields and going "off the grid." But, nope. Not these. That's not the case for these at hand. These very ones were captured, in the front yard. Yes, the front yard of a dear friend's house we so graciously spent the weekend at in Hermanus, SouthAfrica. On the journey to the house, there were abundant fields full of ancient trees, grass as tall as I am, rodents running beneath and through the roads, mountains all surrounding that and a complete sense of serenity. One early evening, we decided to lollygag around the property and just steps after leaving the front porch, these images started to come into view. For the next hour or so, I was mesmerized by the natural beauty, the untouched nature that surrounded me. The thick grass, the tall pine trees oozing sap, the fallen trees birthing life for new plants and the subtleness of birds chirping, squirrels playing and the family cat jumping into random piles of.. who really knows what. I found and held, for the first time, a porcupine's quill. It was, what one would describe, as peaceful, very peaceful. And it was, an absolute reminder that nature is our best friend, that we need nature, nature doesn't need us. And that, taking a moment out, to become submerged in this very thing that gives us life, well, it's essential, its crucial. Words, and meanings of those words, are never truly understood until there is a feeling, an emotion, a connection all pulsing together as they bring meaning to the word, making it come to life. With the adventure life has blessed me with, my visions and dreams, well, they've become realities. Unfolding as the universe releases. Digesting as I'm ready. Within these realities, I am so incredibly blessed to call that of my own, is a love, an unconditionally, radiating, heart thumbing, soul thriving, fully accepting, LOVE! A love that fills my soul with a wholeness, a sweetness, a pureness. A love that keeps my breath expanding and my aspirations thriving. This, this very thing, is a feeling, an emotion, a connection that I live and breathe everyday. Have you ever heard of a "Swop Shop" before? I've just recently experienced this very thing. Please, let me share! I had the honor of being inspired by one while visiting a township in Kleebai, South Africa. A "swop shop" is part of a community development initiative where the children of the community exchange bags of recyclables for soup and additional prizes. The prizes vary from school supplies to outdoor activity accessories, to clothing items and a little bit of this and that in-between. Each bag is weighted and based on the weight, the children receive points and then the children can select their prize of choice. To top it off, it's organized with the city to come pick up these recyclables during the time in which they are dropped off. Charmaine, the owner of #WhiteSharkProjects and implementer of this program is an absolute inspiration. This project is beneficial for all involved, both the community in which the children live in and for society at a whole! Truly so blessed in being exposed to this! Moments. Moments with this being. They fill my soul. They remind me of the beauty that is around me, most importantly, within me. They remind me that, anything, absolutely anything, it is, it is completely possible. That a dream, a dream can become a reality within just a simple blink of the eye, they can appear, in flesh, right in front of our being. And taking the time, taking the time, to step away, out of the busyness making up life, back into that which nature provides, nurtures, bringing us to that place of wholeness, of understanding, back to our center. It exists. It is ever so magical. Dan and I spent many moments, wondering about, getting lost, within, being supported by, natures most precious surroundings. This place, this very place in particular is known as Newlands Forest in Cape Town, South Africa. The sun gently shines through the trees, bringing light to the life, to the radiance that this unique place has to offer. How did I ever get so blessed? I ask myself this everyday! I once read a quote, reminding me of the very reality of being able to have both roots and wings. I've always known my roots where planted deep within this earth, but it took me some time to find my wings. As the years have progressed, the understanding for myself has deepened, my connection to all that is around has strengthened and my wings feel as if they expand and contract as the inhalations and exhalations occur. All guiding me in and through incredible journeys across the landscapes of this earth! I am ever grateful, always thankful, unbelievably mesmerized, forever touched by these moments! Follow your heart. Trust yourself. Do what is best for you, not for society. Know it’s okay to speak your truth. To love yourself, love and accept yourself fully. To put yourself out there. Ask for help and be willing to receive that help. Take chances, lots of chances and know, falling doesn’t hurt. Challenge yourself. Question yourself. Set goals. Reach those goals. Push through your fears. Make your own decisions. Live with compassion, for yourself and others. Do yoga, lots of yoga. Have fun. Be silly. Let your inner child shine through. Know you are beautiful and capable of absolutely anything you put your mind to. Remember, tomorrow is a new day and you can be a new you taking the experiences of yesterday and applying them to your knowledge of today. Trust the universe. Fall in love, my goodness, fall in love. Trust yourself and take a leap of faith. If it’s something you’re passionate about and meant to be doing, do it. Don’t wait for someone else to do it for you. Read lots of books. Utilize your resources. Listen to that gut feeling, that inner voice, your intuition. Live in the moment. Accept vulnerability. Dance around naked in your room. Just, be, you. Always, be YOU! And never forgot you are enough, just as you are. And then some days,
we found ourselves randomly at a little heaven of an animal sanctuary where we spent the afternoon hanging out with birds of all types from prehistoric dinosaur looking ones to brightly colored parrots. Ever wonder what an owl sounds like when you pet it's heard? it makes a combination of a purring sound mixed with a laugh. Probably one of the cutest little sounds I've heard.
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